League Dashboard
Dashboard of visualizations built purely with D3.js utilizing a Node.js server with Express and Axios to fetch live summoner data from the Riot API.
Hello! I'm Jacob Maynard, a senior at the University of Utah majoring in Computer Science with a Certificate in Data Science. I love blending programming with design to solve complex problems in beautiful ways. My journey in tech has been driven by curiosity and a desire to innovate, and I'm excited to continue building amazing things!
Computer/Data Scientist Intern
May 2024 - Aug 2024
Applied Research Associates (ARA)
Rapid City, SD
Audio Manager, Student Media
Fall 2024 - Present
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Membership Services Associate, Campus Recreation Services
Sept 2022 - May 2024
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
Computer Science
Math & Data Science
Dashboard of visualizations built purely with D3.js utilizing a Node.js server with Express and Axios to fetch live summoner data from the Riot API.
Porfolio website made with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and TypeScript. Utilizes Supabase for authentication and data storage and Axios and Puppeteer for data collection. Motion/Framer Motion is used for all of the amazing animations and ShadCN for many of the components.
Notes app made in Electron + Vite with React and Typescript. Accesses filesystem to create and autosave notes. Supports markdown editing. Uses Jotai for state management and TailwindCSS, Tailwind Merge for styling.
Adapted out of the Notes to be a clone of the ChatGPT MacOS app that uses local Ollama models. The app allows the model to write in rich text and remember context of the conversation with the user.
Video game made in Unity with C#. A 2D bullet hell conceptualized, designed, and created within 48 Hours for the University of Utah's March 2022 Game Jam. Worked with a large team of programmers, desginers, and artists to create a neat little game.